Who does Sweden associate you with? The Battle of Poltava, the ABBA Group, the Swedish family or the Swedish border? Anna Johansson, a doctor who made a real revolution in nutrition, came up with a diet like the 6-Petal Diet.
The essence of the diet

You can calm down right away, you don’t need to eat just six petals a day, the diet is more varied and basically doesn’t include eating flowers. Although Dr. Johansson promises that a week’s diet can lose 5kg, which seems like an incredible result.
One petal is one day of the diet, when only a certain amount of one type of food can be eaten. The sequence of days is important, so you can even draw a flower for yourself with six petals, write the serial number on each menu, and strictly follow the recommendations.
That, by the way, is the convenience of this diet. No need to guess what to eat. You clearly know your diet for the days to come.
It’s a mono-diet to some extent, but the body doesn’t have time to get used to one type of food and switch to an energy-saving mode. In addition, studies have shown that mono diets that last less than a day are the most effective for burning fat.
The results of this diet are achieved by changing protein-carbohydrates and reducing the number of calories consumed. You eat one type of food every day and do not mix protein with carbohydrates, which allows you to break down fat more efficiently.
How you can cook
Food can be cooked, stewed, fried or steamed, but it is strictly forbidden to fry or add oil. In addition, the author proposes to limit the consumption of coffee to 1-2 small cups per day. Of course, without sugar. In her opinion, tea or mineral water without gas is better to drink at least 1, 5 liters per day. But by no means should you drink liquid food, just 30 minutes before or an hour after a meal.
And to keep the feeling of hunger from overcoming, divide the whole food into 4-5 receptions. And you don’t have to stick to set intervals. Wanted to eat? He went and ate. Well, or drank green tea.
You can follow the diet for two weeks in a row. However, be sure to take a break of at least two weeks before the next attempt.
All this diet is prohibited:
- Pregnant;
- breastfeeding mothers;
- Diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, heart, endocrine system (especially diabetes);
- With anemia;
- With infections or immediately after illness;
- Exacerbation of any chronic disease.
And yet, while this is not a direct contraindication, if you work out, you will have a hard time following such a diet. Therefore, it is better to stay on vacation.
Flower diet - every day after the petal
And now let’s take a closer look at what this Swedish lady came up with.
the first petal
On the first day, it is recommended to eat only fish, but not more than 500 grams. Naturally, this should not be eaten in one sitting, but divided throughout the day. From these 500 grams you can make a couple of cutlets, bake fish in the oven or on the grill, cook stew and even fish soup consisting of water, spices and fish.
An example of a menu might look like this:
- Breakfast: boiled perch fillet (cod, hake or pike);
- Lunch: lean fish (such as carp) fried with dill and parsley or silver carp fillet cutlets;
- Appetizer: fish dumplings, fish in a double boiler or fish soup (without vegetables, only spices and herbs);
- Dinner: boiled pike or fried fish.
The second petal
You can indulge in all 1, 500 grams of vegetables and herbs. It is better if it is a low glycemic index vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkins. It is not possible to just preserve because sugar is added there.
Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to salads and green vegetables. You can make a stew, bake or just drink a glass of vegetable juice, of course, not shopping.
- Breakfast: grated carrots with cinnamon or vanilla;
- Lunch: vegetable stew or mashed potatoes, vinaigrette;
- Appetizer: boiled potatoes, stewed cabbage or steamed vegetables;
- Dinner: salad, fried vegetables.
third petal
On the third day, you will receive 500 grams of chicken as a prize. Why the prize? Yes, because you can make a lot of delicious and nutritious things from this amount. By the way, spices and herbs can be included in the diet indefinitely on any day of the diet.
Suitable dishes would be boiled chicken or fried chicken broth.
- Breakfast: boiled chicken fillet;
- Lunch: foil-fried chicken breast;
- Appetizer: chicken broth or fried chicken;
- Dinner: boiled chicken fillet.
fourth petal
Grain Day. Absolutely any flakes, but not more than 200 grams (before manufacture). You can choose one type and stick to it or make several cereals a day. It is best to choose wild rice, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal.
- Breakfast: oatmeal on the water;
- Lunch: buckwheat porridge on the water with spices;
- Snack: rice porridge on the water with sesame seeds;
- Dinner: buckwheat porridge with herbs.
fifth petal
You should eat 500 grams of cottage cheese a day. Of course, it’s better if it’s not particularly greasy. You can also drink kefir, low-fat yogurt or milk.
- Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt;
- Lunch: low-fat cottage cheese with milk;
- Snack: low-fat cottage cheese without additives;
- Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese with yogurt.
sixth petal

You have 1500 grams of any fruit at your disposal. You can eat them raw, make a salad or drink juice. It's up to you.
You can drink tea and mineral water all day long, but do not include coffee or keep your consumption to a minimum. Yes, you have to give up sugar.
- Breakfast: two red apples with a cup of green tea;
- Lunch: one banana and three kiwis;
- Appetizer: bunch of grapes and orange;
- Dinner: two green apples.
seventh petal
No, this is not an optical deception. And yes, you read the name of the diet correctly. There are actually six petals and you need to alternate between six types of diet, but there is such an important thing as quitting the diet. A day when you realize you can do anything.
The key is not to relax enough on this day to regain half of what you lost. Someone recommends phasing out and advising you to eat only the foods you have eaten for the time being, with only a slight increase in your portions.

Proponents of radical methods say the easy way is not for us and offer to spend the seventh day exclusively on the water. Which of these two options do you prefer - choose for yourself.
Of course, you can just shake your hand and dive into the world of delicious cakes again.
Why a diet is good
Will this diet help you if you decide to lose weight? Definitely yes, the Swedes did everything they could. If you try, you will lose 0, 6 - 0, 9 kg per day.
Can you survive without failure? Also a positive answer. The diet is quite simple and allows you to eat so much that you don’t look at a piece of bread longingly and nostalgically.
However, despite all its effectiveness, the 6 petals still do not solve your future dietary problems. Six days of the diet will pass and you will return to your normal diet, which will already give you the pounds you have lost. So even if you follow this diet, it is best to evaluate it. as an opportunity to take a step towards a healthier future.